H God knows what you are going through right now, and God has an important role for you to play. Sometimes, God uses times like this, when our lives are completely disrupted, to cause us to stop, reflect. repent, and refocus. 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 reminds us: ...
Hi, What makes sharing the Word of God so easy is that God does all of the work! When we pray for God to create opportunities to share, we put all the heavy lifting on Him! Allison from Milton Keynes has figured this out, and God is richly blessing her efforts: “I...
Hi, As we go about our busy lives, we can have a spiritual impact…..or not. This Easter season, it is a great time to scatter some spiritual seed, as Hannah from Llandielo, Wales writes us: “I keep them in my bag and hand them out whenever I am served by a cashier. I...
Hi, If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We all hope that when people look at us, that they will see evidence of our Christian faith. Abhinav writes us about this topic: “Pocket Gospels are the best and most easy...
Hi, There are so many simple ways to share the Word of God. And sharing Gospels doesn’t involve a lot of effort or time. Just a heart to be faithful to our Lord’s request to tell others. Rob writes us: “Last week whilst in a restaurant, I left a Gospel (with my...
Hi, The Pocket Testament League was started by a teenager, to help lead her friends to Christ. So you can understand how we smile and rejoice when we get emails, like the one we received from Gregory: “I have used the Gospels to share in many different ways using...