Hi, Do you have any family members who don’t know the Lord? All of us do, and here is a great way to reach them in this time of social isolation- send a Gospel to them by post, with a nice handwritten note to them. People are all at home, and many of them have extra...
Hi, What we are going though sometimes feels like we are in a movie…a bad movie! With all of pain, stress, and uncertainty out there, it is good to remember that God is still God, and He is in control. Many people are worried about their financial security, and...
Hi, Over the years we have received thousands of stories from people who found a Gospel lying around someplace, picked it up, read it, and found forgiveness and eternal life. Christopher from St Albans has some good suggestions, as he writes to us: “I regularly...
Hi, We are excited to announce a new tool for your benefit on our website: An Online Scripture Journal! This is a great way that we can all learn from the Bible as we read through it together. These are difficult times, and it is important to be fed from the Word...
Hi, Your life can have a HUGE impact by just leaving the Word of God in places where you frequently go. Gillian from Edinburgh is a master at doing this, as she writes us: “I leave these around Edinburgh, on the bus, in public places such as the gym. I also leave...
Hi, God asks us all to be His witnesses, but we need to remember that God does the saving, not us! Linda S. writes us from Leeds: “I carry copies with me when I go out so that when the Lord gives opportunity I can pass them on, and I am going to leave copies in...