Sending Christmas greetings cards is one of my favourite traditions. It was started in England back in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, and it offers a great opportunity for sharing the good news about Jesus!

Many have written in to tell us that your will be putting a Christmas Gospel or booklet inside your Christmas cards this year. Jeanette from Cwmbran is one of them:

“I am planning to pop a Christmas Gospel into the Christmas cards I send to my friends and neighbours. Thank you for providing such lovely booklets to help us share the real Christmas story in this simple way.”

We think that is a Christmas-cracker of an idea! So let’s all adopt a new Christmas tradition by filling the Christmas Cards we send with the good news about Jesus!

“I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.” Luke 2:10 (NLT)

Grab your cards, order your Gospels and stamps and send that Christmas post!

And don’t forget, from carol and Christingle services to nativity plays and a special seasonal thank you to the postman, opportunities to share Gospels are everywhere!