

What makes sharing the Word of God so easy is that God does all of the work! When we pray for God to create opportunities to share, we put all the heavy lifting on Him! Allison from Milton Keynes has figured this out, and God is richly blessing her efforts:

“I like to give Gospels out to customers at my work, or anyone I come into contact with who would like one. I  pray for God to lead me to people to share them with. I just want as many people as possible to be saved and have a relationship with their heavenly Father.”

We want to encourage you to try this! Order some Gospels at www.ptluk.org/order, and ask God to create some simple opportunities to share them. We will ask for a small donation to help cover our costs, but we will send them to you for free if you ask us to!

In Him,


Ps. Prayer is so important! Pray before you give out a Gospel, pray as you are giving out a Gospel, and pray after you have shared…..God is just waiting to do something powerful through your efforts!


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