God’s Word changes people’s lives.

Here at the Pocket Testament League we are blessed to be contacted by many people each year who find Jesus as a result of someone sharing a Gospel with them.

We recently received this message from Shania in Wellington, she said:

“I’ve been through a lot in my life and I’ve never really had a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have mental health problems and I think God will help me through the good and bad times.” 

Please pray for Shania as she embarks on her new life with Jesus and thank God for the power of His Word to bring her peace, hope and forgiveness.

There are millions of people across the UK like Shania who are yet to encounter Jesus in a personal way and are just waiting for someone to share a Gospel with them. Let’s do all we can to reach them with the good news.

Read His Word, carry His Word, and share His Word wherever you go. Order your Gospels today.

PS. Many of our supporters are keen to share Gospels but don’t have the means to do so. Could you help them by sending a regular gift? Just £20 per month for 12 months is enough to fund someone to share a Gospel every day of the year!