Are you ready for Easter? It’s the perfect opportunity to share the good news about Jesus!


From Sunday services to community egg hunts, how many Gospels could you share this Easter? Let us know and we’ll send out your Gospel Kit containing a mix of Easter covers below ASAP!


‘…the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.’ Matthew 23:20 (NIV)


Easter is the time for us to recognise the greatest sacrifice ever made – Jesus gave his life to erase our sins so that we may have a clear path to a glorious relationship with God (2 Corinthians 5:21).


Our pocket-sized Gospels of John and The Easter Story from Luke’s Gospel tell this story in an easy-to-share way. Order your Easter Gospel kit today and receive a selection of Gospels ideal for Easter sharing! 


If you can’t afford to make a donation, we can even send you Gospels for free!


In Jesus,



Ps- We also have FREE Platinum Jubliee Gospels you can share so let’s share Jesus with as many as we can this year! Order Gospels today or donate to help equip others to share.