Bringing the Word of God Back to the UK

With Pocket Sized Gospels
Join the MovementOrder Gospels

Only 6% of UK Adults Consider Themselves “Practising Christians.”

Together we’re on a mission to change this statistic, one person at a time.


Equipping Christians to Share the Word of God with Others


Join the movement of believers on a mission to bring back the Word of God to the UK. Membership is FREE!


Connect with other believers and get access to Gospel sharing resources and tools


Share the Word of God with those around you by carrying and sharing pocket sized Gospels of John

Membership is FREE! Join thousands of Christians on a mission to bring the Word of God back to the UK.

What is the Movement?

As the UK becomes even more hesitant to accept the Word of God, we need to work together.

The Pocket Testament League is a group of Christians who have committed to reading the Word of God, carrying the Word with them wherever they go, and sharing the Word with others. Membership is free and gives you access to a community of support and resources to help you share the Word.

Together, we can help others know God through sharing the Word one to one.

What does this mean?
Getting involved with the Pocket Testament League is easy, simple and free! Once you join, you’ll be connected with thousands of other Christians working together to bring the Word of God back to the UK.

Here’s what it looks like:

  1. Join the Movement and commit to sharing the Gospel with others
  2. Pray for lives to be transformed
  3. Order pocket-sized Gospels of John
  4. Carry and share the Word of God with others
  5. Invite others to join the movement and expand your impact
  6. Financially support other members

Free Course on Sharing the Gospel

“These Gospels of John are the best!! Just the kind of tool I’ve been looking for and needed to support and encourage me in evangelism – fulfilling the Great Commission!
Sarah from Leeds

The Problem We’re Facing

The UK is becoming more and more secular. Churches are declining and there are fewer believers. We are losing our Biblical foundation, and our culture is paying a heavy price. Many people have a false impression about what the Bible says because they have never actually read it for themselves.

As the number of “practising Christians” continues to dwindle, the culture in the UK has continued to change. And not necessarily for the better.

How will our friends and neighbours ever know about the transformative power of Jesus unless we share the Word of God with them?  That’s where you come in. By joining the movement, you’ll join thousands of Christians on a mission to share the Word of God and fulfill the Great Commission. Are you ready for the challenge?

Why Share the Word of God?

God’s Word is alive and active (Hebrews 4:12)
Has the power to transform lives (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Fulfills the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19)
Sharing is easy, risk-free, inexpensive and our duty as Christians (1 Peter 3:15).
No one tells God’s story, and His amazing offer for His Creation, better than God himself. People need to hear this offer, directly from God!

Are You Ready to See Lives Changed?